Saturday, February 23, 2013

Two finished, one ruined

 Here are two that I was able to finish before my move. Maybe I would have done a better job if I had more time, but I may also have never started them without a deadline.

Here is another that I ruined because I ran out of time and had no plan. :( 
Sometimes it doesn't work to just start painting without sketching and thinking through everything. Its too bad because this is a nice large canvas.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Yesterday I worked on these, and made a lot of progress. Still not happy with the smoky one, but its better than it was before.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Two almost finished pieces, and a look at how my studio apartment is literally being used as a studio.  :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Command Z

Here are the beginnings of the paintings from the past couple of weeks. Its hard to come home after a day of graphic and web design and paint all night. You are still using your creative brain, but with such a different medium that its hard to adapt. I find myself wanting to fill the background with color in one click, or use Command Z when I make a mistake! So getting back to basics is probably a good exercise.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Painting Marathon!

With less than a month before I move out of Seattle, I've been trying to paint a lot and use all the canvasses I have here. I've had things sketched out, but untouched for awhile, but with this pressure of a deadline I've been a little more productive.